School of Civil Economy
A reality that arises from the idea of social interaction that has the public interest, the good of everyone, as its horizon. Civil economy offers a new perspective of economic relationality oriented towards the "public good" of each and every one, reinterpreting its role in relations with internal and external stakeholders and placing the person and the dignity of his knowledge and his at the centre. Work. The civil entrepreneur, without prejudice to the logic and utility of profit, is called to play a creative role in solving the problems of the community and the territory and knows how to recognize those opportunities which, together with the development of the business, make the common good grow .
Training School for the Common Good
In a time in which a school of political training can no longer be a school of indoctrination, as those of the past were, but of freedom of thought and education in criticism, which has political action as its object and method search for the truth, the decision to start it in this area of ours is an ambitious and compelling challenge at the same time.